aaaaa, gue gag bermaksud mengkhianati my lovely kim bum, vin diesel, shia labeouf sama rob pattinson, tapiiii aa, gue lagi nge-fans berat sama salah satu vokalis + gitarisnya pee wee gaskins yang imut dan lucuuu itu hyaaa..
emang rada lebay sih gue, tapi beneran dia ada di list my dream boys nya gue. okay, let me tell ya'll bout my dream boys, lol :
- Kim Bum
- Vin Diesel
- Rob Pattinson
- Shia LaBeouf
- Dochi Sadega
yeah, dia menempati posisi ke 5. karena gue baru bener-bener nge-fans sama dia beberapa minggu yang lalu xD dan dia satu-satunya orang indonesia. wuooow. he's unique and just different from others. :)
owow, let me give ya'll the picturess..

look at robpat's looks, uh-oh i'm soooo melting >_<

oww and this is dochi sadega xD look the way he plays his guitar O-M-G- !
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